USA: 148Apps.com - Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D Review Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D is pretty. It looks real cool (literally) and it's especially easy on the eyes, what with the excellent use of artistic perspective. And as for gameplay? I'd describe it as delightfully complex. The game puts virtual mechanics on the front burner here, with joystick control and pinpoint timing being major elements to consider. The developer doesn't make the ski area overly easy (even on the "easy" setting), and as such it's an aspect that adds to the overall gameplay. The idea is to control the skier downwards to a natural snow-covered cliff, jump, perform a point-garnering trick or two and land upright in a special area. |
USA: PocketMeta - Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D Freemium [Android, iOS]
Winter is slowly coming to an end, and even though the avid skiers still have a few weeks of the good snowy weather ahead, not all of them are able to venture out to a fancy ski resort. If you are one of them, missing out on the fun this season, you might as well quench some of that insatiable thirst by playing skiing games on your tablet.
Enter Huck It. Based on a real, existing location in Salt Lake City, a luxury alpine ski resort that once hosted the Winter Olympics, this 3D freeride ski game is exactly what you have been looking for. It is beautiful, realistic, customizable and hard – are you up for a challenge? |
USA: App Apes - App Apes Verdict Are you ready for the most realistic ski game on Android? Huck It is a next-generation realistic 3D freeride ski game designed as a detailed virtual recreation of Utah’s most rugged alpine ski resort. Ski off monster cliffs and get the sensation of floating through big air in an alpine paradise. Master that and spin to win, nail an iron cross, or get inverted. Land in-air ski tricks and stunts to boost your score, then race the clock and ski through the trees at insane speeds. Huck It is the game for thrill-seeking freeriders who want to ski their favorite resorts any and every day of the year. READ MORE >> |
ITALY: Macitynet - Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D, lo sci acrobatico gratis su iOS
L’App Store è terreno fertile per puzzle game, giochi di difesa, e per molti altri generi videoludici. Discorso completamente diverso, invece, quando si parla di giochi di sci. Non sono molti quelli degni di nota, ma per gli amanti di questo sport è possibile scaricare Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D. Si tratta di un gioco di sci estremo, gratuito, in cui guidare uno sciatore per una montagna particolarmente ostica, cercando di eseguire trick e acrobazie a mezz’aria, prima di compiere l’atterraggio perfetto. READ MORE >> |
ITALY: AVR Magazine - Huck It Freeride Skiing 3D, il gioco per iOS Huck It Freeride Skiing 3D è un nuovo gioco per iPhone e iPad sviluppato da Mystic Media, in cui affronteremo*emozionanti discese tra la neve. Caratterizzato da interessanti grafiche retrò che personalmente*mi riportano ai vecchi titoli per PC,*Huck It Freeride Skiing 3D ci farà vivere emozionanti e adrenaliniche discese*su piste innevate, con l’obbiettivo di raccoglier il [&hellip Huck It Freeride Skiing 3D è un nuovo gioco per iPhone e iPad sviluppato da Mystic Media, in cui affronteremo*emozionanti discese tra la neve. READ MORE >> |
NETHERLANDS: AppWereld - Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D Review
lk heb geen problemen met lastige games als het om een strategisch obstakel gaat, niet om technische mankementen aan het spel. Een probleem waar Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D momenteel last van heeft, een geweldig concept dat zo heerlijk begint maar al snel te lastig blijkt wegens allerlei verkeerde redenen. READ MORE >> |
VIETNAM: GameN - Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D - Vượt qua bão tuyết Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D thành công khi tập trung vào cơ chế gameplay ảo với hệ thống phím điều khiển joystick và hạn chế về thời gian thử thách. Các nhà phát triển không thiết kế khu trượt tuyết dễ dàng chút nào, kể cả khi người chơi lựa chọn chế độ Easy trong phần Setting. Và chính điều đó làm tăng sức hấp dẫn cho những tay chơi ưa mạo hiểm. READ MORE >> |
VIETNAM: Game Hub - Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D - Vượt qua bão tuyết
Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D là game trượt tuyết được thiết kế theo giao diện 3D, sản phẩm mới nhất của nhà phát triển game Mystic Media.Huck It: Freeride Skiing 3D sở hữu một giao diện 3D vô cùng bắt mắt và được các chuyên gia trong nghề đánh giá khá cao. Gameplay cũng được đầu tư thiết kế chi tiết và hấp dẫn. READ MORE >> |
ROMANIA: Androidb - [Meet the Dev] A brief story of Huck It, the most realistic 3D freeriding game
This is the brief story that Mystic Media CEO Chris Silvestro shared with us regarding the release of their 3D freeriding game, Huck It, as part of our Meet the Devs series. If you are an Android developer you can submit your story as well. BEING A PART OF THE FUTURE A desire to be a part of the future led me to technology. The way I see it, the speed at which the world has accelerated since the advent of computers and smartphones is the closest thing to watching human evolution unfold within our lives. READ MORE >> |
Itsaapp - Straight Talk With Chris Silvestro, Huck It
How did the concept of Huck It come about? The concept of Huck It came about when I decided to merge my two passions: skiing and technology. I grew up in New England and have been skiing essentially all my life. Technology for me has always been the most exciting and relevant line of business. Our company had yet to develop a game, so we started conceptualizing a realistic ski game. I grew up on the SSX snowboarding series and other more stylized extreme sports games, but I wanted to create a mobile experience that captured the real feeling, like a flight simulator for skiing. |